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Student Services Team

The Role of School Counselors:

The role of School Counselors is to provide support for students in the areas of academics, social and emotional issues. Students are welcome to drop in or schedule appointments with counselors to talk about issues regarding school, friends, family, or other stressors that may be occurring. Services can include helping with calming techniques, navigating academic stressors, facilitating peer meditations, and discussing ways to develop healthy coping skills. School Counselors are meant to serve as a support role during the time at school, but not intended for long-term care. Counselors are also available to coordinate services at school for students who are struggling and need documented accommodations, coordinated services, or appropriate outside referrals.

  • Counselors have an open door policy for students. Students can stop in, send us an email or Schoology message to schedule a time to talk.

    • Your confidentiality is very important to us. Everything discussed in our counseling office is protected, with the following exceptions, as required by law and/or ethical standards:

      • Harm to self or others

      • Court or other legal proceedings

      • Abuse or neglect

  • Parents/guardians are encouraged to schedule an appointment with their student’s counselor before arriving at school. Please email or call to schedule.

The Role of School Social Workers: 

School Social Workers are the link between home, school and community. As members of the educational team, School Social Workers promote and support students academic and social success by providing specialized services that may include: assessment of student needs, crisis prevention/intervention, and advocating for the needs of students, families and the school district.  School Social Workers also provide information and referral services for families and collaborate/consult with community agencies, organizations, and other professionals. School Social Workers work with students in both general and special education settings and help students to increase academic success, improve interpersonal relationships, cope with difficult and crisis situations, learn problem-solving, conflict resolution and decision-making skills and remove barriers to academic success. Our Social Workers have an open door policy. Students are welcome to stop in, send an email,  or a Schoology message to schedule a time to talk.

The Role of a Dean of Students:

At TOMS/HOMS, we have a shared Dean of Students who provides support for students in the areas of discipline and attendance. The Dean of Students is available to listen and respond to reports of student harassment or other behavior concerns of students. Our dean has an open door policy. Students are welcome to stop in, send an email or a Schoology message to schedule a time to talk.