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LAKERS ARE: Respectful, Safe & Accountable

The PLSAS Middle School community is dedicated to reaching the whole child at this important time in their life. Therefore, the PLSAS middle schools work to ensure that all students have access to the most effective and accurately implemented instructional and behavioral practices and intervention possible. Our PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports) initiative, provides our students and staff an incredible decision making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavioral outcomes for all students.

How DO we do this?

We set Expectations
  • We set expectations for students and staff members.
  • We advertise those expectations in a very consistent and overt manner.
We Teach to the Expectations
  • We give instruction on a continual basis through the year on the expectations.
  • We continue to give instruction and problem solve on how to meet those expectations through school year.
We Celebrate the Positives
  • Positive decision-making, student achievement and excellence will be recognized, recorded and celebrated.
We Address the Negatives
  • Disruptive and inappropriate behaviors will be recognized, addressed in a timely manner, recorded, and reviewed.

What Might Parents and Students Find Happening at Hidden Oaks and Twin Oaks?

You will find an overall school climate that is both positive and energetic. The middle schools are a remarkable place to learn and work. There is a positive energy and excitement, as well as a sense of school pride that can be felt when you walk in the doors. Here are a few examples:

  • LAKER tickets for positive behaviors
  • LAKER tickets weekly student drawing/prizes
  • Quarterly LAKER Advisory celebrations
  • Whole school assemblies/celebrations
  • Seasonal and special events
  • Beginning of year "Managing Middle School Boot Camp”
  • Quarterly mini-lessons
  • Weekly SGPS (Growth Produces Success) Curriculum
  • Posters, Signs, Banners….let's go LAKERS!
  • PBIS Review at the beginning of each school year.


Through all of this and more, The students and staff are unified towards a common goal of creating the best place possible to teach, learn, grow, and have fun doing it, for each and every individual within our school community.

First page of the PDF file: StudentMatrix-FINAL